We built Offerin after years of using our own internal system that does the same thing. We wanted to see all of our offers in one place, give our clients full transparency into their sale, automatically alert sellers when they receive an offer, and keep everything tidy and organized to offer an exceptional experience to our clients. If you want these things also, then we're a match made in heaven. Or, at least the ethers of the internet.
Buyers real estate agents submit offers on www.offerin.io by entering the address or listing agents name at the top of this site in the search bar and clicking on the property. They can then enter the offer details, upload their signed purchase documents, and submit the offer. You can see an example of this at the following link: Submit an Offer on 2222 Example Way. In the MLS Broker Remarks we'd put something like "Please submit all offers at www.offerin.io. Enter the address in the search, upload the signed buyer docs, fill in a couple details and we're off to the races. Call listing agent with any questions. Happy to help." The benefit for the buyers agent is that they know their offer is being submitted, seen, and handled professionally. We've found that most buyers agents like the system and the care that it gives their clients offers. Some agents will still email you the offer or send it in DotLoop. But, most will enter it into the Offerin system. If a buyers agent didn't submit their offer here, and sent it to us in email, we would enter it in ourselves and fill out their information because we like the system so much.
Only you, and the people that you authorize in the system. This includes sellers and other real estate agents that you have added to the listing from your team. If you need support, you can also authorize members of the Offerin support team to help you and review your portal. Offerin uses Postgress data storage that encrypts all data at rest. The website also uses HTTPS network communication protocols that prevent anyone from spying on the data that you send or receive. Of course, if you do not keep your password secure and store it under your keyboard, that could be a problem. We recommend 1Password for managing your passwords and keeping them safe.
We are currently working on MLS integration so that you do not need to enter your listings manually, automatic escrow letter creation, DotLoop integration to send files directly into your loops, the ability to send counter offers in the portal and a native mobile app for android and iPhone.
Anywhere in the United States...Right now, Offerin is set up to automatically work in Northeast Ohio. But, 5 minutes on the phone with you and we can get your area title fees, county conveyance fee and commissions set up. You can also do this yourself if you'd like. We want to expand our footprint to different areas, so we would love to hear from you!